Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday!!!!!!! and Please Enjoy

Here are two funny video to help up you laugh during a bad day but keep in mind nothing is permanent. So laugh it off, find the positive, and you get off at 5.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Team Dynamic and Dysfunction Presentation

Earlier this week, I received some feedback on the Resistance to Change article. The main point of the feedback focused on team dynamic and resistance. So, I wanted to post a portion of presentation that I created to explain healthy team dynamics, dysfunctions, and ways to overcome dysfunction.

Team dynamic can be affected by many things within the organization because the individual members: work habits, relationship building skills, and personality. These personal attributes decide how a team will communicate, work together, and the environment in which they work. We can see changes in the organization's culture. Due to the large number of influences, resistance can easily be formed within team due to the type of dysfunctions faced. Therefore, leaders need to understand the individual team members and be  proactive in there approach to combat resistance.

By: Kay Lackey, M.A.
Organizational Development & Practice Management Consultant

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quote of the Day

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the 

rest is merely tenacity." –Emelia Earhart

