Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today's Thought: Risk Assessment and Management: Theory and Practice

Many of people hate change but inevitable it is just a part of our daily lives. But how can we ensure, the changes we make will have a positive impact on our lives. Well, I always recommend for any change you maybe going through, you should preform a Risk Assessment and Management Plan.

I know its sounds like something you would do at work but you actually do it in your daily life all the time. For example, have you ever been late for work but wanted to stop for a cup of coffee? Your decision to stop or not is a mini risk assessment because you weigh what affect the risk (getting coffee) will have on you over all day. Or returning to school, your decision can affect numerous areas of your life including monetarily, leisure time, and much more.

Below is a power presentation I put together while ago and modified for this post. Take a look at it and try it out the next time you want to take a risk. 

Have an Awesome Wednesday!!!!!!

By Kay Lackey 
Organizational Development Consultant 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today's Thoughts

We only fail in life, if you fail to get back up after you fall. Falling, missing a step, or shifting the weight of your load are all parts of life. These are hard times that everyone will face as they get closer to their goals. Hard times do not last and you will reach your goal. It may not be when you want it but when you need it.

In a nut shell: Fall but dust yourself off + rethink you position + find the positive= Never Failing and getting to your goal. 

"Like success, failure is many things to many people. With Positive Mental Attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again."- W. Clement Stone  Quote from Brainy Quotes

By Kay Lackey
Organizational Consultant