Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thought of the Day: Take the Rose Colored Glasses Off

rose colored glasses

Do you see your past through rose colored glasses? Many people focus on the glories of their past and often long to get back to it. However, they often fail to remember the hard days along with the even longer nights of work to achieve their goal. The past is the road map of lessons caused by curvy roads, twists, and turns of one's "life marathon" which prepares them for the next chapters of life.

Life is constant change. How you deal with issues, finding solutions, and making everyday decision changes? Think about when you were a kid vs kids now. There are a magnitude of differences and challenges. But each difference and challenge helps us to learn from the mistakes and successes of our past, so you can make a better future by working smarter not harder to achieve your goals.

“You cannot look to the past to get to the present because eventually you will walk into a wall. Instead look to the future while remembering the lessons of the past, with a drive and determination not to return.”- Kay Lackey

By: Kay Lackey
Blogger ( and Organizational Development Consultant
Picture is from:

Quote of the Day: Look to the Future

“You cannot look to the past to get to the present because eventually you will walk into a wall. Instead look to the future while remembering the lessons of the past, with a drive and determination not to return.”- Kay Lackey‏

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Message of the Day: Live without Fear

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” - Oprah Winfrey
I absolutely love this quote and I have found in life, if you fail to ask then the answer will always be no. A lack of courage to act is what sets people a part from the Oprahs, Warren Buffets, and Steve Jobs of the world. 
Failing to attempt or ask for something is largely due to an individual's feelings of  fear, failing, embarrassment, or seeming unintelligent to others. 
As an adult the one thing I miss from my childhood is the feeling of fearlessness. As we get older we tend to develop fear, worry, self-doubt, and anxiety. As a result, we become reserved in our actions. 
I can admit that I have had those thoughts but in the same moment I have learned to turned those thoughts into a positive. Being positive comes from knowing that it is okay to fail and understanding that failure allows us to grow. As adults we must understand that no one is perfect all of the time. Everyone has made mistakes which have led to embarrassment, failure, and teaching moments from others. It is not the mistake that matters but what you do afterwards.
Learn to live without fear, ask for what you want, and do not give up until you get it. You may hear no a thousand times but live knowing that the next person could be a yes.
By: Kay Lackey
Blogger ( and Organizational Development Consultant

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way to find success. Learn to move away from your comfort zone."
- Kay Lackey